
Elementary data structure that exists as built-in in

most programming languages.

main( int argc, char** argv )


int x[6];

int j;

for(j=0; j < 6; j++)

x[j] = 2*j;


Arrays ?

§ Array declaration: int x[6];

§ An array is collection of cells of the same type.

§ The collection has the name ‘


§ The cells are numbered with consecutive integers.

§ To access a cell, use the array name and an index:

x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5];

What is Array Name?

x  is an array name but there is no variable x. ‘

x is not an


 For example, if we have the code

int a, b;

then we can write

b = 2;

a = b;

a = 5;

But we cannot write

2 = a;

Array Name?

x’ is not an lvalue

int x[6];

int n;

x[0] = 5;

x[1] = 2;

x = 3; // not allowed

x = a + b; // not allowed

x = &n; // not allowed,

Dynamic Arrays?

You would like to use an array data structure but

you do not know the size of the array at compile


. You find out when the program executes that you

need an integer array of size n=20.

§.Allocate an array using the new operator:

int* y = new int[20]; // or int* y = new int[n]

y[0] = 10;

y[1] = 15; // use is the same

.y is a lvalue; it is a pointer that holds the

address of 20 consecutive cells in memory.

. It can be assigned a value. The new operator

returns an address that is stored in y.

.We can write:

y = &x[0];

y = x; // x can appear on the right

// y gets the address of the

// first cell of the x array

We must free the memory we got using the new

operator once we are done with the y array.

delete[ ] y;

.We would not do this to the x array because we

did not use new to create it.