/* First Program in C++ to display text on
screen */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( )
cout<< “ Welcome to C++” ;
return o;
/* ... */
• Line begin with /* and end with */ indicating that
these two lines are comment.
• Comments are used to document programs and
improve readability.
• Comments helps other people to understand your
• Comments do not cause the computer to perform
any action and are ignored by compiler when
program is run.
Comments in C++?
• Single line comment
– // (double slash)
– Termination of comment is by pressing enter
• Multi-line comment
This can span over to multiple lines
# include
• Line begins with # is called “pre process directives”.
• Not part of our program, it is instruction to compiler.
• Tells the compiler to “include” the contents of a file.
iostream (input output stream)
header/include file:
Ø iostream is an example of a header file
Ø The pre-processor directive #include tells the
compiler to add file iostream to the source file before
Ø iostream is concerned with basic input/output
operations and contains declarations that are
needed by the cout and << (insertion operator)
Ø Without iostream compiler won’t recognize cout and
<< and will generate an error message
Ø iostream file can be found in the include directory of
C++ compiler
Header files?
• The files that are specified in the include
section is called as header file
• These are precompiled files that has some
functions defined in them
• We can call those functions in our program by
supplying parameters
• Header file is given an extension .h
• Source file is given an extension .cpp
main( ) ?
• main( ) is part of every C++ program.
• ( ) parenthesis after main indicates that main is a
• All C/C++ programs must have at least one
function i.e., main.
• main is the point from where the program
execution begins.
Delimiter { } ?
• Left brace { indicates the starting of every
• Right brace } indicates the ending of every
cout<< ?
The statement
cout << “Welcome to C++”;
• causes the phrase in quotation-marks to be displayed
on the screen.
• cout is predefined object that redirects the stream
(flow of data) to output device. cout is predefined in
C++ library.
• The operator << is called the insertion or put-to
operator. It directs the contents of the variable on its
right to the object on its left.
Semicolon ; - statement terminator ?
• Tells the compiler where a given statement ends.
• Every statement must end with semicolon.
• Also known as statement terminator.
Saving the Program in C++ Language?
• After you have typed in the source file for the
program, you should save it on your disk or hard
disk. To do this, select the Save option from the File
• The file extention of .cpp is necessary
– For example: program.cpp, first.cpp, ee001.cpp
Compiling and Making an .exe file ?
• After you have written the source file for your program, you
need to turn it into an executable file. The compiler, which
is a part of the IDE, translate the source code into another
file known as ( .obj ) Object file, consisting of the machine
• The linker then links the entire necessary object files
together to produce a final executable program with the
extension ( .exe)
Processing a High Level Language program?
1. Use an editor or a word processor program to
enter each line of the source program into
memory and to save it on disk as a source file.
2. Use a compiler program to translate the source
program into machine language. If there are
syntax errors i.e., errors in grammar, the
compiler displays these errors on the monitor.
Use the editor program to correct the errors by
editing and resaving the source program.
3. When the source program is free of syntax errors, the
compiler saves its machine language translation as an
object program.
4. The linker program combines your object program
with additional object files that may be needed for
your program to execute and saves the final machine
language program an executable file on the disk.
5. The loader program places the executable file in the
memory, ready for execution.
<stdio.h> ?
• Name of standard library file, stands for STanDard Input
• .h is extension called header file. Header file contains the
information used by compiler when compiling library
• Stdio.h contains the functions that we want to use (e.g in our
program printf( ) function).